Welcome to Growing Small Groups

Welcome to Growing Small Groups

Nothing does more to grow people in faith, build fellowship, and prevent people from leaving the church than small groups.

“We were going to look for another church, but then someone invited us to visit their small group. We’ve met so many people, in the same stage of life. I’m so glad we didn’t leave and miss out on this.”

.Growing Small Groups is here to educate, enable, and provide resources to small group leaders to help build deep lasting fellowship so that people grow in their faith and relationship each other and with Jesus Christ.

“I liked being in a small group, but freaked out when I was asked to lead one.”

Leading a small group is one of the best ways to grow in faith and obedience. With some tools, shared experiences, and funny stories, you’ll feel better about leading and soon you’ll feel blessed by your faithfulness. People can be hard, but we’re called to love others. With a little equipping it can even be fun!